How does this work? Each week you’ll see one reader’s answer to the previous week’s question. Then you’ll see the question they have for the list, which you can respond to if you’d like. Or you can just read and enjoy.
Previous ask:
What's the most interesting thing you can see, from wherever you're writing your reply from?
Bix answers:
The most interesting thing I can see from here is deceptively uninteresting: a chair. Specifically, the “Pangean Lounger”. A bizarrely simple contraption consisting of two pieces which interlock into one configuration for easy carrying, and into another for sitting. When deployed, it looks threatening to comfort but in actuality it’s the perfect height from the ground and the perfect angle to keep my legs relaxed (whether it’s restless leg syndrome or some sensory aspect of being actually-autistic, finding any kind of seating which doesn’t prompt regular shifts to new positions is a minor miracle). The first time I learned of this sort of chair was years ago, from a volunteer at the animal-related nonprofit which I used to project manage. It wasn’t until the pandemic and the need to social distance that I finally got around to trying to find one, because it’s the perfect size for the tiny front landing of the mother-in-law cottage in which I live, although said landing is not where I am writing this reply.
[[Ed. note — here’s the chair.]]

Bix asks:
Whatever you became as an adult, how far or close did it come to the very first thing you ever wanted to be when you grew up?
If you’d like to answer this question, you can simply hit reply to this email and write it in. Be sure to also include a question that you’d like to submit next. And tell us a story — your answer will be the bulk of the next newsletter. We will only use your first name, but if you wish to answer anonymously, let us know.
Bits and Pieces
From time to time, I’ll throw some updates, links, and other notes at the bottom of the newsletter.
If you haven’t checked it out yet, here’s my new podcast This Day In Esoteric Political History. I think the episodes we’ve done on Sojourner Truth, David Duke, and an epic day in 1963 have been particularly strong.
Now, two things to watch.